Friday, March 30, 2012

The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff

I just barely got this from the library so I don't have much to say about it yet, but I thought I'd go ahead and put up a post so that you can all have a place to discuss it.  Only about 3 more hours until Spring Break and I'm OVER THE MOON! Also I'm hoping that without the interruption of trips to and from school and messing with homework, that I'll be able to get so much done, including reading this book.  I hope the rest of you find time too.

Here are a couple links.  They both make grandiose claims about being the best websites about Winnie the Pooh, who knew?

Tao of Pooh on Just
Pooh the
And here, the Goodreads blurb and other's reviews.
Here is the website for Benjamin Hoff, author.

I'll post a thought question below to get a discussion going (I hope).  Don't be afraid to respond!  Who cares what random internet viewers think of what we write (it is still a public blog)?  Those that know you, love you and would LOVE to hear from you!


  1. Which of the inhabitants of the Hundred Acre Woods do you think you are most like and which do you feel you want to strive to be more like?

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